Reluctant Geisha

Seriously, your grandmother can read this and not be embarrassed. It's not -exactly- what you think it is.

One of the funniest things I’ve ever typed. 11:23:2007

[direct quote, I might add]
Fat bitches like that give chunky bitches like me a bad feeling. I think I’m gonna go have a twix and plan the revolution. The revolution where all bitter, bored, stupid, ugly, angry, mean-spirited fat women are used as entertainment for the rest of us. It’ll be like when they used to throw Christians to the lions and watch them run… except this time, we’ll make them fight over fun stuff like… ice cream and support hose.

The last fat bitch standing gets to wear the control tops!


Youtube Excites Me! 09:16:2007

Mood: Creative
Music: Da Money Dance – FieteSchulz on Youtube.
Notes: Make sure if you like his videos to pass them on, he seriously has a gift with animation, and deserves some noticing, knomseng?

And in other news: Chris Crocker rides Britney Spears’ Girly-penis all the way to internet celeb-dom.

I mean, was anyone dumb enough to believe this kid didn’t know exactly what he was doing? He was itching for fame and fortune, and poor ChunkyBrit comes along and bombs at the VMA’s… what a chance, eh? I mean, everyone knows how fast something on youtube can spread like wildfire, just look at people like Halo2Chic, Mr. Pregnant, Sharolaid, and even William Sledd.

I’m not going to lie, I think Mr. Crocker knew exactly what he was doing, acting like that [notice I said acting], screaming and crying all over the place, acting crazy [again with the acting]. I think he hoped and prayed it would spread like wildfire, and lookie-loo! He ends up all over every three letter news program, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Hardball, and has a special spot on Jimmy Kimmell too! hmmmmm…

Chris Crocker has surpassed Juanita Bynum [who has heard anything about her or her allegedly gay ex/husband lately?] and even the memorial of 9-11 in some places . The little guy had the nerve to actually say in a video: Britney Spears is more important than September 11th. More important… Sweet heaven, can he get any more soundbytes to help him get attention? But now…

“You cannot talk about someone when ur not willing to do what they’ll do! You have not spent a mile walking in his sneakers… or platform pumps… I don’t know what he wears BUT I BET IT’S STYLISH!!” – Seth Green FTW!!11!1ONEONE1!1!ONE

But onto the subject of… meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I’ve been working lately, and boy do I have some stories, but more than that, I have so many ppl who are blessing me everyday with support in different ways, so thank yous are forthcoming, but I want everyone to see their great work first! When the website is up, their names will be PLASTERED all over it, people like Chud, Flow, Distraction, Tiki, Vii, One, Mocha and others have been so instrumental in giving me support and helping me see that this isn’t a lost cause… even though sometimes it feels like it.

In other news, I’ve now started a few wishlists at places like Sephora, Saks, Neiman Marcus and others, because a girl needs support in the form of clothes and make-up sometimes too! If you feel like you might wanna… you know… just send me an email or get at me on my myspace and let me know. For now, the lists are closed to the public, but I’ll open them for individuals who contact me.

Man it’s been a crazy day… crazy crazy day.

Love to all of you,