Reluctant Geisha

Seriously, your grandmother can read this and not be embarrassed. It's not -exactly- what you think it is.

Learning Japanese with Geisha-San 10:01:2007

Mood: Reflective
Music: We Can’t Be Friends – Deborah Cox f. R.L.
Notes: I hope you’re doing well.

So I’ve decided I want to learn to speak Japanese.  Fluently.  It sounds so musical, so rhythmic… so beautiful.  I want to learn to speak it fluently.  If anyone has any tips, feel free to contact me.

Also, I’ve decided that I want to start an advice page on my new site, but I don’t know that anyone would really use it.  <laughs>

Have I been working?  Yes I have, and I’ve come away with something I realised I’ve always thought, but now have the complete words to express it.  I despise people who are not okay with their fantasies and fixations, but still want to engage in them so badly that they need someone like me to make it okay for them.  I hate that.

If you want to think about your homoerotic fantasies involving your best guy friend from college, just think about it.  Don’t call me and tell me a crap story about him assaulting you so that you can handle your business to it.

Why can’t people be okay with themselves?  Why do they need to lie and make it a situation where they were “forced” to do something, basically taking all responsibility away from themselves?

I despise that.

I’m EXHAUSTED you guys, I’ll be back later today.