Reluctant Geisha

Seriously, your grandmother can read this and not be embarrassed. It's not -exactly- what you think it is.

Are you worth it? 09:20:2007

Mood: Exhausted
Music: Maroon 5 – Wake Up Call
Notes: I have been awake for almost 24 hours now. If I ramble, forgive me. If you can’t forgive me, keep it to yourself.


No I really do love Dave Chappelle, and I always will love his comedy and talent. As racist as it is sometimes, I can’t help but laugh out loud at his sketch comedy. I miss Chappelle’s Show. I wish it was still going, but I guess better to end something good than to let it die a slow, agonising, unfunny death.

So I took some photos, and in two weeks I have an actual appointment to do a conservative shoot, just some cute photos. It’ll be very cute I’m sure, but I’m desperate to find someone who will do some edgy photos with me, I guess I’ll just have to wait until I relocate to do all the funky stuff.

I voice blogged on my snapvine about self worth… It’s been on my mind something serious for the past few days. I just… I was talking about how all the women who I used to train for phone work would inevitably end up calling me and telling me how one of the supervisors yelled and said they were worthless or some other such tripe.

The saddest part of it all: Most of them believed it. They’d call me at ungodly hours and say, “I suck at this job! So and so told me I’m worthless and can’t even do this job right.” I mean, it blew my mind how they would actually believe it, and let it affect how they did their jobs. I thought to myself [and still do to this day] I will never let something someone says to me affect either: how I see myself and/or the numbers on my paychecks. My life just doesn’t work that way.

I hope none of you feel like you’re not worth it. I hope you know exactly how worth it you are. Because you are worth it, and you should treat yourself like that.

Work you say? Yes, I’ve been working… and it’s been… uhm… creepy? [LAUGHS] Really creepy. Crossdressers and foot fetishists galore! A veritable smorgasboard of the most deviant fantasies and activities one could dream, that’s what my work week has been like. [LAUGHS LOUD]

I’ve never, though [I’ll say this much], understood why so many people need to attribute responsibility for their fantasies to someone else, in order to be okay with them. For example, the guys who like to steal panties… they [without fail] always say, “Do you want me to steal my wife’s/neighbor’s/insert creepy female relation here’s panties? Do you want me to wear them?”

Part of me wants to say, “You are already wearing them, why make it as if I’m pushing you to this place?”

But I never do. I never do. I want to do it… but I never do.

Love to each and every one of you,